Our Banner

The Lodge banner was originally purchased with surplus funds from Ladies Festivals in the 1920’s. It was unveiled in November 1927 and has been added to over the years with two side wings to include the names of past masters once the original central columns had been filled.

The banner was left behind when the Lodge moved from the Café Royal in 1972. It was later discovered by builders in a dilapidated condition and this discovery reported to Grand Lodge.

The banner was in a sorry state of repair, WBro Ron Holder took on the challenge of having the banner cleaned, repaired and refurbished by the Royal School of Needlework. The work being completed at a cost of £550. It was rededicated by WBro John Richards PAGDC in October 1987.

By 1993 the original silk backing had started to disintegrate and it was considered to be beyond repair. However with the cost of a replacement Banner being in the order of £4000 that was out of the question.
The Banner was fully restored and framed by Gordon Pfyffer and Past Masters updated.

The cost was between £500 and £1000 and paid for by individual members of the Lodge on a voluntary basis. The restored banner was framed in a glass fronted case which folds and was rededicated in October 1994 by WBro Sydney Green. WBro David Green also gave a presentation of his thoughts on the design of the central motif.

It is now stored at Mark Masons’ Hall, it is quite heavy and so it is not always brought from the basement for every meeting anymore.